.UK Domains

ALDERNEYDOMAINS.COM is operated by Island Networks (Registrar) Limited. We are the legacy registrar for the Channel Islands domain names.

If you have reached here looking for information on .GG or .JE domain names, please see www.channelisles.net

This site contains information about the registration and management of .UK names, and is made available principally to assist existing customers. (We no longer routinely offer .UK new domain name registration as a service to the general public: if you are not an existing customer, please refer to our main site.)

Island Networks (using the trading style of “Alderney Domains”) is a Nominet Registrar.

If you wish to contact us about .uk domains that are registered on the ALDERNEY Nominet tag please email us or contact us by telephone or post. Emails are read on receipt, seven days a week, and we aim to deal with all enquiries within 24 hours, though in the case of less routine matters, we hope you understand if we take slightly longer.

You can confirm whether a domain name is on our tag by visiting the Nominet WHOIS page. This may also give you the name, address and contact URL for the Reseller (if there is one).

Contacting us

Our postal address is :-

Island Networks (Registrar) Ltd
P O Box 1065

Please note that we are on a small island, and that post normally takes two days to reach us from the mainland, occasionally longer.

Our phone number is 01481 521713 (voicemail, monitored 7 days/week)


To contact us by email see here for details.

Registering .UK domain names

For the time being we are not accepting requests to register new domains in the .UK top-level domain unless you are an existing customer.

Contacting Registrants

If you are a third party wishing to contact the owner of a domain name on our Nominet Tag, please note that under the Data Protection (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law we are not normally permitted to disclose any personal information except under the usual exemptions under the Law (such as for the prevention and detection of crime and the protection of the rights of others.

However, we will be happy to forward messages to registrants where appropriate.

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